COVID-19 Emergency Fund Guidelines
Rescue heroes
The HPF has received funds from Networking California for Sickle Cell Care for a COVID-19 Emergency Fund. This fund will focus on the needs of the Sickle Cell Disease Community in Kern County. This fund is to aid with costs related to food insecurities, medications for the person(s) living with SCD, and essential household items during the pandemic.</p> <p>If you are an individual with SCD or a caregiver of a person with SCD affected by COVID-19, you are eligible for assistance.

- Proof of diagnosis will be required for any applicant who is not a client of HPF
- Client must be a resident of California
- Emergency Fund Request Application must be completed by client or caregiver
- HPF Community Health Worker will review the application and contact you for additional information, if needed.
- If approved, please allow 3-5 days to process your request
- If approved, our Community Health Worker, Ieisha Powell will contact you with the pick-up location of the GIFT CARD.
- The continuation of this program depends on the availability of funds
How to apply:
Online: Click to apply
*HIPPA Compliant via Jotforms
By Phone: Please call or email our Community Health Worker at 661-747-0647 or to set an appointment and/or complete an application over the telephone.